Monday, June 1, 2009

Much Ado About Ken Kennedy

Ken Kennedy was recently released by the WWE and if you had seen RAW last week it really was not a big surprise. Numerous injuries and a touch of green with his ring work has cut short what was supposed to be a promising WWE career for the time being.

Keep in mind I'm a big fan of Ken Kennedy. If you don't believe me then check my photos on myspace, you will see one of me in a sports bar yelling "Kennedy!" into my cell phone as if I was the wrestler himself. I loved the gimmick and thought he was fun to watch in the ring but in terms of his release you really have to face the facts.

Wrestlers take bumps, it's a pretty big part of the job. Kennedy was injury prone and it screwed up major story lines on two occasions I can remember. The first being when he was supposed to be revealed as Mr. McMahon's illegitimate son. After months of buildup the big reveal is right around the corner and then whammo he's shelved. Rewrites ensue and instead we get the leprechaun being Vince's kid and not Kennedy. It was kinda funny but really the people, and me, wanted it to be Kennedy. The second was right after he wins the money in the bank contract at Wrestlemania. That's the company saying they want you to be champion at some point, which is quite a vote of confidence. Shortly after he wins it he gets injured and ends up dropping it to Edge. Instead of being champion he ends up being sidelined for months. That is two major opportunities that were blown due to injury right there which caused the WWE to have to do some major re-writes.

Then to make things worse for himself he makes a hell of a blunder in his return match on RAW. Kennedy is revealed as a mystery entrant in the five on five Lakers Vs. Nuggets tag match. Plenty of attention is on this match as it is because it features the top faces and heels on RAW and it is receiving media coverage due to the recent debacle with the Denver Nuggets. Mix in that this is his big return, have him come out and tell Randy Orton off prior to the match while receiving a good pop from the crowd and this should be a slam dunk (pardon the pun) for him. What does he do? He comes out and looks sloppy in the ring and nearly injures Randy Orton's (a.k.a the WWE champ) shoulder and collar bone.

Say what you will about the WWE and Vince but you can only give a guy the ball so many times before enough is enough. At the end of the day it is a business and you need guys who can do what you need to be done.

What's next for Kennedy? Many assume he will head to TNA but for his sake I hope he does not. TNA, in my humble opinion, is quickly becoming a boys club for former WWE stars that stopped drawing crowds. I can only see Kennedy being buried there or given a ridiculous gimmick that weakens his credibility with the fans. Personally I think it would be best for Kennedy to try and work in New Japan and really hone his mat skills and hopefully stay injury free. That way he can become a better wrestler and gain some valuable experience in one of the major wrestling promotions on Earth. If he is successful there I don't see why the WWE wouldn't want him back and then you would assume the sky is the limit.

Kennedy is promising wrestler that has hit a ridiculous amount of road blocks as of late. Hopefully his luck will change in the future and we will see the return of Mr. Kennedy........KENNEDY!

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